Lucille Holt Sottery

About Collaborations

Where Business, Careers & Products Prosper. A unique business model that connects people with a proven path to success, whatever the objective is. The formula is designed collaboratively, specifically and strategically to address each clients individual goals and achieving exceptional results.

Collaborations was created and developed by Lucille Holt-Sottery, after years of practical, hands-on business and sales experience. Collaborations gives you affordable, practical solutions to advance your business, your product, and your career. When you have a partner with whom you can collaborate candidly, the chances for a successful outcome grow exponentially.

Lucille began her career in New York City, working for major firms in advertising and marketing, and representing highly recognizable clients and brands. She brings years of expertise in marketing and branding products, from strategic planning all the way through to producing commercials. She works with clients on image and publicity around product development and launches.

When Lucille moved to Maine, she took her marketing experience into professional sales and then into business management. Over time she became a specialist in coaching sales people and worked closely with individuals to hone their professional sales skills and career development. Lucille has worked with and coached some of the most successful sales people in New England.

If you want to achieve unparalleled success contact Lucille today!